* My hair is starting to fall out! Hair loss usually occurs approximately three months after delivery. A rise in hormones during pregnancy cause hair to grow faster and become quite shinny and beautiful. Then, after delivery, the hormones return to normal levels, which causes the new hair to fall out and return to the normal hair life cycle. Unfortunately, There's nothing you can do to avoid this. Taking your vitamins and eating well is your best line of defense.
* Should you color or perm your hair? Although there is no scientific evidence of any harmful effects on your baby, most doctors advise against it. Or at least for the first trimester. As a Stylist, I advise you to avoid perming completely during pregnancy. The chemicals produce awful odors. And on the box you are advised not to inhale these odors. So your best bet is to avoid perming at all costs.
Coloring? This is an iffy subject. As a Stylist I know that there is no evidence proving any harmful effects on the baby while coloring. However, as a mother and an advent user of hair color, I opted to avoid coloring my hair for the first 12 weeks and I wore a hat to work! This is something that you'll have to decide for yourself. Talk to your Stylist, friends, doctors and you'll get a different answer from each.
One alternative to your classic on-scalp color is to get a highlight or lowlight using the foiling or cap method. No chemicals touch your scalp or come in contact with your skin. Plus it's a good way to get a new look!
* Your hair is super oily! Your oil glands may start to go crazy during pregnancy. Not only do you have breakouts occurring for the first time since you were a teenager, your hair is flat and you have excess oil. Wash your hair with a plain shampoo and remember to condition only the ends. Check out Oily hair for more solutions
* Cutting your hair short during pregnancy. So many times I hear stories of women cutting all their hair off during their pregnancy. It's like you go crazy for a minute then after it's done you come to your senses. For all my pregnant clients, I recommend cutting a little off at a time. I myself, would never cut someone's hair completely off while being pregnant. I offer to give half priced cuts until they reach their desired length. This way, I can avoid a crying mother to be. And at the end of the pregnancy, when they feel "normal again" my clients thank me for the good advice. :)
As you're well aware of, your pregnant body is going through a handful of changes. Not only are your feet swelling, your skin has a mind of it's own and your hair as well is on the fritz. Here's some answers to to the most common hair questions during pregnancy: Is it safe to color or highlight your hair when pregnant? Is your hair super oily since becoming pregnant? Should you chop off all your hair?
Pregnancy and your hair ...
Common concerns and questions about your hair during pregnancy
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